Robby Klein
Sylvia Rapoport
Age: 70
Hometown: Nashville
Occupation: Conviction Review Unit, Office of the District Attorney
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
It’s as corny as it gets, but my magnum opuses are my sons. They are mensches. Kind, witty, decent guys who work purposefully and actively to contribute to our community in a meaningful way. And I’m thrilled they both got the joy gene! It helps make life sweeter and more fun.
What’s an organization or nonprofit that’s important to you?
Our community is gifted with many worthy organizations and I’m grateful to have been a part of quite of few of them over the past four decades. However, as Founding President of Centennial Park Conservancy, I admit that it’s my favorite for-purpose non-profit in town. To watch it soar under the leadership of John Tumminello, Justin Tam, and Wendy Buntin is one of the joys of my life.
A quote you live by:
Anais Nin, “Life shrinks or expands in proportion with one’s courage,” has been my go-to for the past 30 years. Challenges and change are my personal adrenaline rushes.