1 of 9
Hunter Hurt and Jessica Edwards
2 of 9
David Mitchell, Angie Lunsford, J.P. Mattingly, Ry Jarred
3 of 9
Laura Kimbrell, Jonathan and Blair Lund
4 of 9
Amber Treat and Andy Cieplewski
5 of 9
Connie and Nick Deidiker, Clay Wraith
6 of 9
Kristin and Jeff Hoehne
7 of 9
Scott Stephens, Jessica Edwards, Brian Randolph
8 of 9
Blythe Cate, Harrison Bryant, Enrico Lopez-Yaňez
9 of 9
Michelle Bell, David Baldwin, Melissa Moss
The Nashville Symphony Crescendo Club hosted the Bourbon and Brass whiskey tasting with the Nashville Whiskey Society. Woodford Reserve Ambassador, JP Mattingly lead the curated event complete with musicians performing selections to match the notes in the whiskey.