Perry Del Favero
With more than 165 entries and 42,979 votes, our 2020 Dog of the Year contest sponsored by Safari Pet Resort was serious cuteness overload. And while the competition was dog eat dog (not literally), in the end it was Friday, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, who emerged as top dog.
Nashville natives Perry Del Favero and Zach Wexler were three years and two cats into their marriage when Del Favero finally talked her cat-loving husband into bringing a dog into their lives—specifically a Toller. The breed had been her favorite since she saw one surfing in a magazine 10 years prior.
“Zach has always preferred cats,” says Del Favero. “He’s also technically allergic to dogs and started allergy shots a year before we brought Friday home to prove his commitment.”
Now the two-and-a-half-year-old Friday is the apple of their eye (but don’t tell that to resident kitties Cardigan and Napkin), stealing their hearts with her sassy-but-sweet attitude and adorable antics.
Get to know our Nashville Lifestyles Dog of the Year winner below!
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Perry Del Favero
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Perry Del Favero
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Perry Del Favero
How did Friday get her name?
She was born on a Friday but most importantly, it’s everyone’s favorite day.
What is her personality like?
Friday is a special combination of sassy, stubborn, and sweet. She prefers to make her own decisions but is also very loyal, loves all people, and insists they love her back.
What are Friday’s favorite activities?
Being chased, zooming around the yard, giving side eye while lying on her back, visiting the dog park and greeting all the humans, sharing an apple on the back porch, and then basking in the sunshine.
What's her favorite snack?
Popcorn and berries.
How has your life changed since bringing her into it?
A whole lot! Everything and everyone revolves around her, but she’s worth it. We always caution people not to be blinded by Friday’s rare beauty; she also has a ton of drive and energy and, like many working dogs, needs to be mentally and physically exhausted on a daily basis. Our house is also coated in a layer of fine red dust so she’s definitely not non-shed.
Does she have any unique quirks?
Friday is fairly well-behaved, but flat-out refuses to let anyone trim her nails. We think she just prefers them long like a Kardashian. Tollers also have a unique scream when very excited. You can YouTube it but turn the sound way down!
See more of Friday on Instagram @tgifpup.