Registration for Nashville Community Education's (NCE) fall virtual classes is now open to all residents in the local community.
NCE is an educational program providing personal and professional enrichment for adults and includes over 115 classes ranging from language, wellness, sustainability, finance, business, legal, art, and more.
A majority of fall classes will take place virtually this year, so Nashvillians do not have to leave the comfort and safety of their homes. Courses range from $15 to $125, including Creative Personal Journaling, Beginning Guitar, Gentle Yoga, Songwriting & Creativity, Spanish, American Sign Language I., and more.
Nashville Community Education has partnered with several organizations around the city this fall including:
- Green Hills Guitar Studio- Beginning Guitar, Songwriting & Creativity, and Music Theory
- Metro Business Assistance Office- Small Business Reserve Program, The New Normal: How Small Business Are Adapting and Doing Business with Metro
- Bridges- American Sign Language I.
- NAMI- Mental Health Caregivers Primer with NAMI
- UT/TSU Extension- From Seed to Table Gardening, Eat Smart at Home, Beginning Birding,
- Root Nashville- Greening Nashville’s Neighborhoods
Classes begin on Tuesday, September 8th and go through December 2020. For more information and to register, visit