Bell, Jeffery C., Middle Tennessee Endodontics
615-896-5758; mtendo.com
Cain, Christopher W., Endodontic Associates
615-371-9559; nashvilleendo.com
Davis, Adam, Cumberland Endodontics
615-758-7668; cendotn.com
Faucette, Phillip H., Endodontic Associates
615-371-9559; nashvilleendo.com
Freeland, Mark H., Endodontic Associates
615-383-4455; nashvilleendo.com
Heeren, Thomas J., Apex Endodontics
615-353-5678; apexendotn.com
Hicks, Vincent E., Brentwood Endodontics
615-376-8865; brentwoodendodontics.net
Horwat, Richard J., Bluegrass Endodontics
615-824-7546; bluegrassendo.com
Murray, Michael J., Endodontic Associates
615-383-4455; nashvilleendo.com
Noble, Casey, Nashville Endodontics
615-320-3636; nashvilleroot.com
Sandlin, Christopher E., Bluegrass Endodontics
615-824-7546; bluegrassendo.com
Sheats, Jimmy B., II, Sheats Endodontic Group
615-933-9999; sheats-endo.com
Sheats-Mathis, Jan-Nee B., Sheats Endodontic Group
615-933-9999; sheats-endo.com
Sparrow, G. Clay, Endodontic Associates
615-371-9559; nashvilleendo.com
Uhles, Jonathan P., Cumberland Endodontics
615-758-7668; cendotn.com
Vandusen, Austin S., Bluegrass Endodontics
615-824-7546; bluegrassendo.com
Webber, Benjamin, Alliance Endodontics
931-553-8484; allianceendodontics.com
Woods, James F.
615-890-2828; jameswoodsdds.com
General Dentistry
Anway, Jared D., Mill Creek Dental
615-776-1050; millcreekdental.net
Archer, Robert W., Jr. , Southeastern Dental Group
615-754-6677; southeasterndentalgroup.com
Atchley, Michael A., Dental Bliss
615-847-1234; dentalbliss.com
Bacon, Jane A., Hermitage Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
615-872-7762; drjanebacon.com
Bradley, Lis S.
615-606-2164; lisbradleydds.com
Bratten, James B., Bratten Dental
615-459-5515; jamesbbrattendds.com
Buergler, Wendy, Oak Hill Family Dentistry
615-373-0642; ohfdentistry.com
Carroccia, Anthony S.; Saint Bethlehem Dental Care
931-648-3233; sedationdentistclarksville.com
Clark, J. Daron, Downtown Dental
615-254-1393; downtowndentalnashville.com
Clayton, C. Ashley, Clayton Dental Group
615-889-7111; cdgnashville.com
Clegg, Andrea, Embassy Dental
615-656-3169; embassydental.com
Devine, Brian E., Devine Dentistry
615-490-0809; devinedentistry.com
Dickerson, David W.
615-383-4747; dickersondentistry.com
Dunn, Dale R., Dunn & Poff
615-662-2400; bellevuetndental.com
Fesmire, Robert C., Fesmire Dental Group
615-352-1332; fesmiredentalgroup.com
Fischer, Kelli F., Fischer Family Dentistry
615-824-8870; fischerfamilydentistry.com
Fleming, James M., Elam Vaughn Fleming Dentistry of Nashville
615-383-3690; dentistryofnashville.com
Fletcher, Jack M., Brentwood Dental Arts
615-331-0402; brentwooddentalarts.com
Fontenot, Philip A.
Gardner, Dennis R.
931-486-2949; doctorgdds.com
Gatgens, Ford, Accent Smile Center
615-640-1261; accentsmilecenter.com
Gorham, Matt J., III, Gorham & Ammarell Dentistry
615-327-4914; westendnashvilledentist.com
Gray, Phillip, II, Gray Dental Care
615-385-9400; graydentalcare.com
Green, W. Spalding, IV , Green Dental Health and Aesthetics
615-383-8213; nashvilledentistry.net
Hall, Katherine N.
615-777-2600; katherinehalldds.com
Harding, Stephanie K., Long Hollow Dental
615-851-7102; longhollowdental.com
Holliday, H. Douglas, Jr. , Brentwood Dental Arts
615-331-0402; nashvillesmilesource.com
Horne, Mark A., NH Dental Partners
615-292-5524; nhdentalpartners.com
Huffines, Ricky H., Vitality Dental
615-885-1555; vitalitydentaltn.com
Hunter, Douglas E.
615-832-4979; Jones, Deborah W.
Jones Cosmetic & Family Dentistry
615-847-3530; oldhickorysmiles.com
Jones, Jody
615-270-2332; jodyjonesdds.com
Kruger, Aileen M., Hermitage Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
615-872-7762; drjanebacon.com
Laden, Nancy B, Laden Family Dentistry
615-794-8751; ladenfamilydentistry.com
Lawyer, Matthew M., Carothers Parkway General Dentistry
615-771-7123; lawyerdds.com
Malik, Asma F., Brentwood Dental Excellence
615-373-5914; brentwooddentalcare.com
McGee, J. Matthew
Munro, John R., Belle Forest Dental
615-662-0255; belleforestdental.com
Nabors, Thomas W., III
615-256-1600; thomasnabors.com
Nave, William, William Nave Dental Studio
615-444-6301; drnave.com
Newman, Clint E.
615-751-8795; clintnewmandds.com
Nickels, W. Scott
615-327-4257; scottnickelsdds.com
O'Neill, Ryan , Tennessee Family Dental
615-730-5566; tnfamilydental.com
Otterpohl, Joseph A., Otterpohl Dental
615-331-0402; otterpohldental.com
Pace, James R., Sr., Belle Meade Family Dentistry
615-298-2030; bellemeadedental.com
Pace, James R., Jr., Belle Meade Family Dentistry
615-298-2030; bellemeadedental.com
Palomaki, Matthew B., Alpha Dental
931-431-0200; smileclarksville.com
Patel, Ashish V., Nashville Dentistry Co.
615-797-8003; nashvilledentistryco.com
Pittman, David M.
615-327-2630; drdavidpittman.com
Pitts, Kimberly D.
615-890-4587; kimpittsdds.com
Poole, Lauren, Snodgrass-King Dental Associates
615-771-1111; snodgrassking.com
Reynolds, John A., Franklin Smiles
615-794-2444; franklinsmiles.com
Rezk, Julie W., Vanderbilt Dental
615-322-2193; vanderbilthealth.com
Richardson, Stan M., Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of Smyrna
615-355-1062; smyrnasmiles.com
Roach, C. David, Roach Family Dentistry & Associates
615-499-5608; GreenHillsDentist.net
Runyon, Rodney D., Oral Health Associates
615-451-3833; oralhealthgallatin.com
Schuh, Eric E., Elite Dentistry
615-230-6611; ericschuhdds.com
Spurlin, Terry L., Music City Dental
615-953-2469; musiccitydental.com
Stanislav, Kristy J.
931-648-0232; drstanislav.com
Stanislav, Leon E.
931-648-0232; drstanislav.com
Sullivan, Richard H. IV, Sullivan Dental Partners
615-373-1012; tennesseedentist.com
Swang, Ronald A., Swang Dental Care
615-385-2171; swangdentalcare.com
Switzer-Nadasdi, Rhonda, Interfaith Dental Clinic
615-329-4790; interfaithdentalclinic.com
Tabor, Michael P., Midtown Smiles
615-320-3210; midtownsmilestn.com
Torti, Ryan, Tennessee Centers for Laser Dentistry
615-595-8070; tncld.com
Tuma, Robert P., Jr.
Turner, Kelli A.
615-321-2702; drkelliturner.com
Waltemath, Gary L., Iroquois Dentistry
615-298-2040; iroquoisfamilydentistry.com
Wells, Dennis J., Nashville Center for Aesthetic Dentistry
615-371-8878; drdenniswells.com
Whaley, Mark B.
615-373-4242; WhaleyDDS.com
Wilburn, Lauren, Columbia Family Dentistry
931-548-1447; columbiafamilydentistry.com
Williams, Chadwick L., Smile Gallery
615-444-2069; smilesbychad.com
Wilson, Mary B.
615-371-9500; marybethwilsondds.com
Oral and MaxilloFacial Surgery:
Beck, Barry W., Beck Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
615-864-7135; beckoralsurgery.com
Burchfield, Daniel C., Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Nashville
615-822-8403; omspartners.com
Carter, Jeffrey B., Oral Surgical Institute
615-329-4401; oralsurgicalinstitute.com
Clark, H. Daniel, Southern Oral & Facial Surgery
615-591-0919; southernoralfacialsurgery.com
Coyne, Cathleen P., Coyne Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center
615-771-0017; coyneoralsurgery.com
Cullum, Paul E.
931-381-776; cullumdental.com
DeFelice, Matthew A., Cumberland Surgical Arts
931-552-3292; cumberlandsurgicalarts.com
Gunn, John C., II
931-648-0819; drjohngunn.com
Haley, Spencer A., Tennessee Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
615-829-7000; tnoralsurgery.com
Hamilton, Margaret T., Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Nashville
615-822-8403; omspartners.com
Hardison, Mark F., Middle Tennessee Oral & Implant Surgery
615-893-7736; mtois.com
Jackson, D. Carl, Spring Hill Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
615-302-8471; mtosc.com
Kirk, Russell K., Tennessee Implant & Oral Surgery
615-453-7800; tnoralsurgeon.com
Lee, George S., Cumberland Surgical Arts
931-552-3292; cumberlandsurgicalarts.com
McKenna, Sam J., Vanderbilt University Medical Center
615-343-9404; mc.vanderbilt.edu
McLeod, Bruce C., Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Nashville
615-822-8403; omspartners.com
Nguyen, Brian P., Nguyen Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
615-777-1800; nguyenoms.com
Pitts, Adam S., Oral Surgical Institute
615-778-0902; oralsurgicalinstitute.com
Richardson, Gregory P., Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Nashville
615-620-8030; omsnashville.com
Romero, Jaime A., Jr., Solace Oral Surgery
615-320-1392; solaceoralsurgery.com
Sawyer, Terry D., TriStar Summit Medical Center
615-883-0067; tristarsummit.com/physicians/profile/Dr-Terry-D-Sawyer-DDS
Shea, John K., , Jr.; Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Nashville
615-822-8403; omspartners.com
Spivey, David W., Murfreesboro Oral Surgery & Implant Center
615-890-8000; murfreesborooralsurgery.com
Vega, Luis G., Vanderbilt University Medical Center
615-343-9404; mc.vanderbilt.edu/root/vumc.php?site=deptoralmaxilsurgy&doc=44208
Warden, P. Jeff, Middle Tennessee Oral & Implant Surgery
615-893-7736, mtois.com
Werther, John R.
615-284-5650; drwerther.com
West, Kevin D., Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Nashville
615-822-8403; omspartners.com
Young, Sean M., Southern Oral & Facial Surgery
615-591-0919; southernoralfacialsurgery.com
Anderson, Arthur N., III, Anderson & Ditcharo Orthodontics
615-297-6997; andersonandditcharo.com
Barbieri, Damon M., Barbieri Orthodontics
615-355-2055; smile615.com
Blackman, Scott G., Reflections
931-647-6370; reflectionsortho.com
Gluck, A. Joel, Gluck Orthodontics
615-269-5903; drgluck.com
Hall, Miriam, Snodgrass-King Dental Associates
615-771-1111; snodgrassking.com
Koen, Mary C.
615-851-1222; mckoenortho.com
Lehman-Grimes, Shawn P., About Faces and Braces
615-384-2484; aboutfacesandbraces.com
McClaran, Tiffany R., McClaran Orthodontics
615-846-3550; mcclaranortho.com
Oakes, Wendy A., WOW Orthodontics
615-376-0969; woworthodontics.com
Pack, Tracy L., Pack Orthodontics
615-898-1000; packortho.com
Pollei, Jason K., Pollei Orthodontics
615-885-0128; polleiortho.com
Robinson, Kevin J., Perfect Smile Orthodontics
615-834-5613; perfectsmileorthodontics.com
Ross-Edmonds, Ruth E., Braces by Dr. Ruth
615-323-2026; bracesbydrruth.com
Sims, Robert E., Sims Orthodontics
615-385-2714; simsortho.com
Starling, Craig M., Starling Orthodontics
615-507-1660; starlingorthodontics.com
Togrye, Anthony R., Smile Doctors Braces
615-848-0011; smiledoctors.com
Witherow, D. Shane, Witherow Orthodontics
615-754-2027; witheroworthodontics.com
Pediatric Dentistry:
Adamiak, Brittany, Green Hills Pediatric Dentistry
615-610-2563; greenhillspediatricdentistry.com
Adams, George A., Jr., Adams & Seaton Pediatric Dentistry
615-297-7597; adamspediatricdentistry.com
Beauchamp, K. Jean, Clarksville Pediatric Dentistry
931-245-3333; clarksvillepediatricdentistry.com
Byrnside, Bryan D., Middle Tennessee Pediatric Dentistry
615-758-7511; midtennpd.com
Caldwell, Mirna A., Hillsboro Pediatric Dentistry
615-750-2713; hillsboropediatricdentistry.com
Caldwell, Robert F., Caldwell Pediatric Dentistry
615-834-1383; caldwellpediatricdentistry.com
Cregger, Ryan A., Brentwood Pediatric Dentistry
615-377-3080; brentwoodpediatricdentistry.com
Curry, J. Chad, Wild About Smiles Pediatric Dentistry
615-890-0885; wildaboutsmiles4kids.com
Hobbs, Robin T., Snodgrass-King Dental Associates
615-754-4444; snodgrassking.com
Hutton, James L., III, Children's Dental Associates
931-381-9721; childrensdentalcolumbia.com
King, John T., Snodgrass-King Dental Associates
615-771-1111; snodgrassking.com
McNutt, Timothy E., Sr., McNutt Pediatric Dentistry
615-383-0171; mcnuttdentistry.com
Owens, Heather H., Children's Dental Associates
931-381-9721; childrensdentalcolumbia.com
Rucker, Crystal G., Sango Smiles Pediatric Dentistry
931-919-4898; sangosmiles.com
Seaton, Ryan, Adams & Seaton Pediatric Dentistry
615-297-7597; adamspediatricdentistry.com
Stanley, David R., Wild About Smiles Pediatric Dentistry
615-890-0885; wildaboutsmiles4kids.com
Swauger. Kurt R., Swauger Pediatric Dentistry
615-868-9057; krspd.com
Taylor, F. William, Just 4 Kids Teeth
615-824-1700; just4kidsteeth.com
Akin, Bill, Nashville Periodontal Group
615-800-3686; nashvilleperio.com
Akin, William C., Nashville Periodontal Group
615-800-3686; nashvilleperio.com
Carter, Timothy C., Carter Periodontics & Implant Dentistry
931-614-6603; carterperio.com
Daley, Charles E., III, Middle Tennessee Periodontics
615-444-9611; midtnperio.com
Daniel, Steven R., Periodontics & Implant Dentistry of Middle Tennessee
615-200-1199; middletennesseeperio.com
Harris, Dan D., Jr.
615-386-3800; periodan.com
Jean-Pierre, Jean-Max, Periodontal Care Center
615-264-6404; periocarecenter.com
Meister, David, Periodontal & Implant Associates of Middle Tennessee
615-988-2603; midtennperio.com
Primm, Jason T., Advanced Institute for Oral Health
615-570-3410; newteethforme.com
Pulliam, Robert P., Periodontal & Implant Associates of Middle Tennessee
615-297-8973; midtennperio.com
Ridgway, Heather K., Cool Springs Periodontics & Dental Implants
615-377-7793; coolspringsperio.com
Robbins, Deborah R.
615-662-8081; deborahrobbinsdds.com
West, Brian D., Nashville Periodontal Group
615-800-3686; nashvilleperio.com
Allen, James D., Tennessee Dental Care
615-690-5400; tennesseedentalcare.com
Balch, J. Heath, Brentwood Prosthodontics
615-436-9737; brentwoodpros.com
Bonvissuto, Louis J., Jr.
Clayton, George H., Middle Tennessee Prosthodontics
615-690-5400; tennesseedentalcare.com
Weese, Daniel K., Nashville Center for Aesthetic Dentistry
615-274-1437; drdenniswells.com
About This List This list is excerpted from the 2018 topDentists™ list, a database that includes listings for more than 170 dentists and specialists in the Nashville and Middle Tennessee areas. The Nashville-area list is based on thousands of detailed evaluations of dentists and professionals by their peers. The complete database is available at usatopdentists.com. For more information, call 706-364-0853; write P.O. Box 970, Augusta, GA 30903; email info@usatopdentists.com; or visit usatopdentists.com. Selection Process “If you had a patient in need of a dentist, which dentist would you refer them to?” This is the question we’ve asked thousands of dentists to help us determine who the topDentists should be. Dentists and specialists are asked to take into consideration years of experience, continuing education, manner with patients, use of new techniques and technologies, and, of course,physical results. The nomination pool of dentists consists of dentists listed online with the American Dental Association, as well as dentists listed online with their local dental societies, thus allowing virtually every dentist the opportunity to participate. Dentists are also given the opportunity to nominate other dentists that they feel should be included in our list. Respondents are asked to put aside any personal bias or political motivations and to use only their knowledge of their peer’s work when evaluating the other nominees. Voters are asked to individually evaluate the practitioners on their ballot whose work they are familiar with. Once the balloting is completed, the scores are compiled and then averaged. The numerical average required for inclusion varies depending on the average for all the nominees within the specialty and the geographic area. Borderline cases are given careful consideration by the editors. Voting characteristics and comments are taken into consideration while making decisions. Past awards a dentist has received and status in various dental academies can play a factor in our decision. Once the decisions have been finalized, the included dentists are checked against state dental boards for disciplinary actions to make sure they have an active license and are in good standing with the board. Then, letters of congratulations are sent to all the listed dentists. Of course, there are many fine dentists who are not included in this representative list. It is intended as a sampling of the great body of talent in the field of dentistry in the United States. A dentist’s inclusion on our list is based on the subjective judgments of his or her fellow dentists. While it is true that the lists may, at times, disproportionately reward visibility or popularity, we remain confident that our polling methodology largely corrects for any biases, and these lists continue to represent the most reliable, accurate, and useful list of dentists available anywhere. Disclaimer This list is excerpted from the 2018 topDentists™ list, which includes listings for more than 170 dentists and specialists in the Nashville and Middle Tennessee areas. For more information, call 706-364-0853, email info@usatopdentists.com, or visit usatopdentists.com. topDentists has used its best efforts in assembling material for this list but does not warrant that the information contained herein is complete or accurate, and does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Copyright 2011-2018 by topDentists, Augusta, GA. All rights reserved. This list, or parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission. No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without permission of topDentists. No fees may be charged, directly or indirectly, for the use of the information in this list without permission.