1 of 10
Senator Jeff Yarbro and Michele Johnson
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John Orzechowski, Pam Wright, Megan Metcalf
3 of 10
Monica Mackie and Ronette Adams-Taylor
4 of 10
Robb Bigelow, Kathryn Beasley, Chris Farrell, Jeff Hill
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Grace Stranch, Stephanie Lund, Hunter Branstetter
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Michael McRay, Rachel Clifton, Emily Jones, Marysa LaRowe
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Allan Ramsaur, Carol Anne Long, Jason Long
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Lisa Wyatt, Carol Dunn, Michele Johnson, Christina Cain, Maria Giordano
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Jeff Yarbro, Robert Gowan, Emily Ogden, Mike Abelow
10 of 10
Michele Johnson and Marjorie Pomeroy-Wallace
Tennessee Justice Center 2016 Annual Reception Photos
The Tennessee Justice Center (TJC) held their annual reception on at Bass Berry and Sims to celebrate TJC clients and the law firms who make their work possible. TJC raised nearly $12,000 in sponsorships and donations for this public event. Highlights of the reception include videos featuring TJC clients as well as the presentation of the Pro Bono Attorney of the Year award to Pam Wright. The dinner is held in conjunction with the Tennessee Bar Association annual conference.
Photos courtesy of Michelle Fisher and Matt Ferry.