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Charlie and Carolyn Ermey, Randy Parham and Jana Lisle Parham, Scott McKean
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Chenoa Jacobs and Monica Farner
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Charlie and Marie Cardwell, Jerry and Earnie Williams
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Janet Jernigan, Kim Harvey Looney, Robert Looney
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Dr. Paul Teschan, and Tennessee First Lady Betty Dunn
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Jerry Williams and Beth Alexander
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Uche and Jade Sampson
FiftyForward's Crown Affair Patron's Party was held at the home of Sylvia Roberts to mark the 27th annual Crown Affair where community volunteers and Nashville leaders Beth Alexander, Kim Harvey Looney, Dr. Paul Teschan and Dollar General will be honored. The Crown Affair, FiftyForward's signature fundraising event, raises funds to benefit the seven FiftyForward lifelong learning centers in Davidson and Williamson counties as well as agency programs and services such as Care Management, Meals on Wheels and Adult Day Services.
Photos by Misa Acox for FiftyForward.