1 of 13
Fred and Kathryn Detwiller
2 of 13
Walter Knestrick, Jon Meacham, Sarah Knestrick
3 of 13
Susan McDonald, Gina Lodge, Keith Meacham, Lake Eakin
4 of 13
Nancy and Ed Goodrich
5 of 13
Irwin Fisher, Debby Koch, Frances Spradley, Sallie Norton
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Bob Doochin, Fred Cassetty, J. B. Baker
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Rick and Andrea Carlton, Dick Cowart, Howard Kittell
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Mary Brockman and Ophelia Paine
9 of 13
Gina and Dick Lodge, Keith Meacham
10 of 13
Sallie Norton, John and Carolyn Rochford, Sandy Sangervasi
11 of 13
Alberta Doochin, Debbie Cassetty, Carylon Baker
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Bobby and Cathy Thomas, John Eakin
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Charles and Andrea Overby, Becky and Dick Cowart
The Andrew Jackson Foundation's Acanthus Society is a strong circle of steadfast donors who give generously to Andrew Jackson's Hermitage every year. To recognize their generosity, members receive invitations to special events and programs throughout the year and a complimentary membership to The Hermitage. Acanthus Society members and their guests enjoyed a special evening at the home of Keith and Jon Meacham in Belle Meade with remarks by Jon Meacham, award-winning author and historian.
Photos by Peyton Hoge.